
In todays modern world of instant gratification I think we are all struggling to be present. All struggling to get what we need to done. Especially in such a sparkly city like New Orleans where something more exciting is just around the corner. Our modern lives are so busy, so much is expected of us, sometimes we just cannot get "it" all done. Through Professional Organization services I can help you to relieve some of the stress and overwhelm, so you can feel more functional and focus more on what truly matters to you.

One way to look at this dilemma is through the lens of executive function which I have included some links on tools for managing below. Executive functioning skills are employed to manage our lives, when there is a struggle with managing life tasks, organization and staying focused it can be said that executive dysfunction is to blame. Luckily there is much research on the efficacy of learning to regulate oneself and increase exective function! Which I am happy to explore with you.

Another way to look at this dilemma is to remember that we all struggle to regulate ourselves and stay on task. Focus and goal completion is a learning process for everyone and sometimes help is just whats needed. Whether we struggle with executive function, or just the weight of responsibility in a busy world its important to be kind to ourselves and to reach out for help when possible. 

Body doubling, executive functioning coaching, plain old encouragement, and just an extra set of hands might all do the trick. I am here to work with you to find out what will help you the most. Whether thats getting help on a task, help getting on task or outsourcing that task. Lets work together to see how I can best help you!

Tools for Increasing Executive Function